Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finally, I Get To Play A Roman Catholic Nun With Stigmata!!!!!!!!!

One thing for sure--the LPA Playreading Group is expanding in all sorts of ways, from repertoire to cuisine. Before you know it, we will be doing "Strange Interlude" (though I prefer "Morning Becomes Electra") with a full table buffet.

Speaking for myself, as a tactile performer, I felt a bit adrift, being more comfortable with complete absorption into one character, rather than switching through several. I loved playing the wacked out nun--that is unquestionably MY role--but I felt with more work she could have been even more wacked out! But that did not stop someone like John, who did a marvelous Southwestern schizoid, and a cynical Hollywood scriptwriter. Or Daisy, who was wonderful as a demented and retarded sibling. Amy did her customarily excellent British accent in one piece, and a superb white trash one in another. Wendy, our wonderful cooridnator, channeled Elizabeth Ashley, but without the raspiness, so you could understand what she was actually saying, which is not always the case with Elizabeth. Tanisha was a beguiling theatergoer in one piece, and a powerhouse Mamma in another. And Steve's Wesley, was inspired; like "Of Mice And Men's" Lenny on Ritalin!!!!! John and Steve also excelled as two cynical screenwriters. Maybe they should think about doing "Sweet Smell Of Success."

The evening in question was an overall success, especially for those who paint on smaller canvasses, and helpful for those who do better with larger.

The bigger the better, I always say, girls!!!!!! I cannot wait to see what happens next month. Maybe we will all run around in rompers, rolling hoops!!!!!!

Then we will REALLY need that Ritalin.

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