Thursday, May 5, 2011

Girls, It Is Hard To Top This Despicable Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Thursday, loves, which, as you know, on here means Bitch Of The Week. Once again, I was running on empty; coming up on midday, and not a suitable candidate--realistic, that is. So I finally decided I had to go fictional this week, when someone popped into my mind, who is not only one piece of work, but won the actress playing her an Oscar.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Rose Ann D'Arcey, the mother in the 1965 film "A Patch Of Blue." She was portrayed by Shelley Winters, who won a Supporting Actress Oscar for it that year, and who, I have read, during the shooting, loathed the character herself, so that each time they did a scene, the director, Guy Green, told her to take the bitch factor up higher notches than she already was.

And those notches are pretty high, let me tell you.

Rose Ann is one piece of work. Real Southern white trash, who lives with her aging father (Wallace Ford), less out of familial loyalty and more like sponging. Their relationship in the film is very creepy, and hovers on the brink of incest. As if that is not enough, Rose Ann cannot be bothered sitting at home nights, because she and her friend Sadie (brilliantly played by the late great character actress Elizabeth Fraser) are too busy trolling the town for men like the over aged, underused tramps they are!!!!!!!!

But, wait, it gets better!!!!! Somewhere along the line, Rose Ann gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, Selena, played in her groundbreaking performance by Elizabeth Hartman. One night, when Rose Ann came home in a drunken rage, she lashed out at the little girl, threw something that turned out to be acid at her, causing her to go blind!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is Children's Services when needed???????

She continues to raise Selena, but keeps her isolated from the world, probably fearful the child will reveal the truth about her. She takes care of her with hate, because she feels guilty about the accident. Sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Selena does like to go to the park, and that is when she meets a man, Gordon Ralfe, played with customary excellence by Sidney Poitier during his peak 60's period, who shows her kindness, which eventually leads to the two of them falling in love, Hollywood's then first interracial kiss, Rose Ann going on a rampage and showing her true colors to the entire town, and Selena, on what is a hopeful note, being taken away to a school for blind students, where she will not only get away from Rose Ann, but possibly find happiness with Gordon, and a place for herself in society.

I had wanted to see this film for so long, and when I finally did, a few years ago, I was so upset by Winter' corrosive performance and how miserably she treats Selena, that I decided I could not watch it again. But the memory lingers enough for me to name Rose Ann as Bitch Of The Week.

In some ways, this film was a benchmark for all. Poitier consolidated his star status--unusual in those times for a Black actor; Shelley went on from here to play a bitch in just about every other film she made, save for "The Poseidon Adventure;" Elizabeth Hartman reached stardom, then declined just as quickly, due to depression, leading her to commit suicide. Bad karma surrounds this film.

Which is worth seeing, at least once. But though it ends hopefully, so much of what goes before is so distasteful, it is like being unable to wash the flavor of bad tasting medicine out of your mouth.

Nevertheless, Rose Ann has to get her due as one of filmdom's great bitches, and a worthy addition to the Bitch Of The Week gallery.

And, girls, when YOU go out on the town, PLEASE make sure you dress better than Rose Ann!!!!!!!!!!

You know I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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