Monday, May 16, 2011


No, darlings, I am not about to do "A Chorus Line," but, boy, I wish I could, because then I wouldn't be facing the issues I am now. The other day, while visiting the doctor, he did some impromptu blood work, which meant I had not fasted before. The good news was my PSA was normal, so no trouble there. My cholesterol, while needed to come down, was essentially the same. But there was something about my sugar level, suggesting while I was NOT diabetic, I need to watch out. I asked if I need to be on meds for this and they said, "Not yet!" Which indicated a future where I might be????????

Not if I can help it, girls. So I have to look for some kind of exeercise routine. I used to do Yoga, and am quite good, but it has been awhile, and I wondeer if I need something more strenuous--something between this and "A Chorus Line," but gentle enough for those like me who have had back.disc problems.

Once again I call upon all my girls out there for suggestons. I AM going to contact the Y about their Older Adults Program (do I qualify???) and their Diabetes Prevention Program (ditto!!!!!!!). MY problem is not sticking to a routine, it is finding the RIGHT ONE. And yes, NYC is full of options, but it IS possible to get overwhelmed. The only choice I do NOT want to make is Sophie's!!!!!!!!!

So if my girls out there have any suggestions, send them forth!!!!!!!!! Where is Donna McKechnie when I need her?????? Of course, I can always dance to the Cast Recording (and don't think I haven't already, especially "The Music And The Mirror') but I need some solid structure.

They want to test me again in 6 mos. But then I want to see some change!!!!!! Why can't we just stay young, girls??????????????????

See you out on the dance floor, darlings!!!!!!!

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