Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Fleet's In, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, today marks the start of Fleet Week!!!!!!!!!!!

Sailor boys will be pulling in to port, and looking for action. Not quite Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra, my dears!!!!!! Anchors aweigh, my boys!!!!!! Do your patriotic duty, by bringing home a sailor for a fresh, home cooked meal. Even if you turn out to be that meal!!!!!!! Remember what the song says in "Funny Girl'--"A bit of dinner never hurt/Bur guess who is gonna be desert?"

Frankly, I don't think Monsieur would be too thrilled if I did bring home a sailor. Maybe if I put on a sailor suit for him, but then finding one I can fit into these days is something of a challenge!!!!!! I could wear a sailor hat, though!!!!!

Otherwise, just enjoy the weekend, walking through the city, watching those sailor boys, saluting them as they go by, and carefully observing those Very Important VPL's (Visible Panty Lines!!!!!)

All hands on deck, darlings!!!!!! And watch where those hands go--or on whom!!!!!!!

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