Friday, May 27, 2011

Guess I Better Get Here Fast, Before It Closes Down!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, with the closing of Elaine's, at this point I figure any iconic establishment in New York City is fair game. One place I especially used to yearn to go to when young--but never have--is Sardi's. At a very tender age, I thought this was the essence of high class dining--and it was in the Theater District!!!!!! Next I saw it as a Showbiz Mecca, where celebrities went to see and be seen. And you better believe, girls, that I have nursed dreams of walking into the place, with my picture on the wall, my very own table, and personal waiter to escort me to thereof.

Like Elaine's, you don't go to Sardi's for the food. So I was surprised by the variety on their Menu; I have no idea how good it is, but I can tell you it is spectacularly priced; everything seems to be a la carte, so I think a meal here could cost more than one at, say, One If By Land, Two If By Sea.

Is this enough to get me to go???? I will have to discuss it with Monsieur. Maybe on my birthday later this year, a Pre-Theatre meal, and then a show!!!!!!!
The point is, girls, the New York we all yearned for back in the days when we wanted to be Marlo Thomas as Ann Marie is slowly fading, so before it does, take a lesson from my experience with Elaine's, and quit putting off going to that spot you always said you would go to. Or else it won't be there, anymore!!!!!!!!!

But I still will, for all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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