Friday, May 27, 2011

Here's A Plan For All My Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never let it be said I do not watch out for my girls!!!!!!!! Well, if you have no plans as yet for this evening, I can offer a suggestion designed to net you more results than you might have first thought.

One of my very good sources, my fellow volunteer, Mike, on Thursdays at the Center, informed me last eve that this eve, on the ship The Intrepid, they are going to show the movie "Top Gun." Now, not being especially fond of Tom Cruise, I have never seen this, but I am informed it is one of the gayest movies ever made!!!!!!!!!
Though I prefer crinoline, myself. But here is a chance to get on board, with hundreds of guys and gobs, see a hoot of a film under a starlit sky, and who knows, one of those gobs might become your guy!!!!!!!!! Hell, if they were showing 'Baby Jane' I would think about it. What else would go on board a ship????? "Ship Of Fools?" No, too intense??????? How about "The Poseidon Adventure?" With Shelley Winters and "The Morning After," that might be one that would get me on board.

Alas, I have plans of my own, this eve, darlings. But for those whose dance cards aren't full a trip to the Intrepid this eve might just be the thing!!!!!!!!!!

A-hoy, mates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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