Friday, May 6, 2011

Honey, I Cannot Argue With The Clementis!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, the jury is out on Miss Molly Wei. She has been accepted into the pretrial intervention program, she is expected to do a minimum of 300 hours of community service, stay out of legal trouble for 3 years, and undergo counseling regarding treatment of LGBT youth or those of any other alternative lifestyles.

And she is also required to testify against Dahrun Ravi.

Now, personally, I think the book should have been thrown as hard at her as him. But the Clementis, pictured above, have made it clear this is OK with them, since she is in some way being held accountable, and the greater guilt does belong with Ravi.

But, being the Raving Queen, I have a few choice morsels of my own.

The Clementis are a picture of fortitude in the face of unbearable grief. They have been thrust into a position they did not ask for, and are handling it with class and distinction. But I still have not heard, from either Ravi OR Wei, attributed to remorse for their sorrow to the Clementis about the loss of their son. That speaks volumes to me.

Smart Miss, that Molly. Her actions speak volumes too. It tells me she cannot be trusted from here to the short pier she should take a long walk off of. She sold out Tyler, now she is willing to sell out former friend Darvi. Hell, from the behavior exhibited already, Molly shows every indication of developing into a female Bernie Madden!!!!!!!

I have no doubt she will serve her duties to the fullest. I cannot be sure of the impact hey will have on her. Only time will tell us that.

However, as much as I, or anyone else who grieves for Tyler Clementi may feel, the first and last say in this is always his parents. And they have spoken. So now it is time to let Molly do her time. And hopefully Darvi will do his.

The Clementis have spoken. And I plan to honor them. As I know do all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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