Friday, May 6, 2011

Let's Pray The Scales Of Justice Tip Favorably!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweeties, I am telling you, there are more of you out there reading this, than I know. Just several days ago, I posted on here the latest about Rutgers co-conspirator Molly Wei (who should be eating her "curds and....") and her attempt to dodge a criminal record by participating in a pretrial intervention program. Pretty desperate, I say. And still do. Well, last night, I find out, she is to appear in New Brunswick court today, and you can be sure I wish I was there. What happens today cannot help but be interesting, but let me add a few things.

There are those out there who cry for her innocence, thought she is being attacked, maligned!!!!! Listen, she is still here, Tyler Clementi isn't. She did not have her sex life aired on the Internet. And it went out on HER laptop in HER room. Ravi set up the webcam in his and Tyler's room, but the actual watching thereof was done, with full complicity by Miss Wei, in her room.

Being they were classmates who had known each other, I cannot see Ravi holding a gun to Wei and saying "You're gonna do this!" So while the idea did not come from her, she nevertheless complied, and thus should be held accountable. If she is not, what does that say for future Tylers, who may be out there struggling? What does that do to the Clementi family, whose suffering is so palpable I can feel it? Let me tell you, having lost someone long ago to suicide, my grief was nothing compared to what I saw it do to the family. And this should be taken into consideration.

IF accpeted, and forced to do probationary acts, I think they should involve some kind of redemtive acts in relation to what she did to Tyler Clementi. Like work on a suicide or gay hotline. Get a look at what real struggle is, that there are others out there not so privilged as Miss-Self-Involved-I-Wanna-Be-A-Pharmacist-Mollly Wei. Honey, if she does achieve this goal, I wouldn't take a single med from her. If she doesn't like you, if she thinks you are different........oops! .....there goes the dose!!!!!!!!!

So I hope for some real justice, for Tyler, his family, and those of us who mourn them and him.

Hey, Molly, just because you see yourself as better than does not mean you can have everything your own.........Wei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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