Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Darlings, I Have To Warn You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am hoping to be back with you tomorrow, as usual. I mean, I have to announce a Bitch Of The Week. But a technical glitch may prevent me, for a time, and IF that occurs, believe me, I will raise Hell, and rest assured I will return to all my girls. Where else but here can one find such self-enlightenment??????

So IF I don't appear, rest assured I am still thinking of you all, and will be frantically penning entries to transpose on here when eventually I can. Though, hopefully, this will not come to pass, though I have my suspicions. And while I don't often like to be proven wrong, this is one time when I would welcome it.

Stay tuned, girls, and rest assured you are not forgotten!!!!!!! If not tomorrow, I will be back as soon as I can, to tell you of more exploits.

Cross those fingers, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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