Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good Morning, Girls!!!!! Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am here, so all is right for the world. At least, concerning this blog!!! True to Thursday, I have a winner. The moment I read about her, I knew this was the one.

The winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is....Laura Molnar.

Now, don't let the last name fool you. She has no connection to the brilliant writer Ferenc Molnar, who wrote the dramatic masterwork "Lilliom," from which Rodgers and Hammerstein created what I consider their MUSICAL masterwork, "Carousel."
The surname is a fluke I am sure, because Miss Laura is pure White Trash.

She has been a busy bee. Three kids by the age of 21, which is her present age.
Now, we all know motherhood has its challenges, (just think what a challenge it was for the mother of the Raving Queen--Oh, my God!!!!) but what makes Miss Molnar worthy of the award is her disciplinary tactic, which would cause both Mary Poppins and Maria Von Trapp to want to bitch slap her silly!!!!!!

Earlier this week, in the suburban enclave of Brecksville, Ohio, Laura was out with her children at the playground in their park. As children often will, they got out of control, acted up, so do you know what she did to maintain discipline?????

She pepper sprayed them in the face!!!!!!!!!!

You heard me!!!! All three of the kids!!!! And she was dumb enough to do this out in the open, where many could see. Fortunately, she was arrested, and, hopefully, those children have been remanded to Children's Services!!!!!! Thank God they are alive, or she would also be looking at the Susan Smith award.

What is it with Laura???? First, hasn't she heard of birth control????
And second, doesn't she realize the potential physical (not to mention psychological) damage her tactic could create????? Either she does not care, or she is just plain dumb!!!!! Maybe she needs a good spraying of Reddi-Whip in HER face, to keep her in check. And is there a husband in all this??? If he doesn't at least see that Laura gets help, and the children kept safe, he is a bigger cluck than I imagined. That is, if he is in the picture at all.

Maybe this is why Eileen and Ruth sing "Why Did I Ever Leave OHIO" in "Wonderful Town!!!! They knew it was filled with nuts, like Laura. William Inge was right; Tennessee Williams' South was not the only region to have a premium on craziness. And Miss Laura Molnar proves it!!!!!!

So, Laura, welcome to the Bitch Of The Week Archives!!!!! May it bring you everything you deserve!!!!!!

Glad to be with all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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