Thursday, June 2, 2011

Darlings, It Was Forty-Four Years Ago YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!

I knew there was something I forgot to report on yesterday, something that kept nagging at the back of my mind. Of course, this morning, while dressing for work, I recalled what it was.

June 1st was "Sgt. Pepper" Day.

On the above date, back in 1967, this musical masterwork (hmmm..that seems to be the phrase of this day)was released, and in the intervening time, has proved to be as fresh and exciting as anything since. They say you can't judge an item by its cover, but in this case you can; and it is still one of the most famous album covers of all time. But the richness of material--from the title track to the lingering piano chord at the close of "A Day In The Life" is just perfection.

So on said day, if not then today, I give it a listen, to remind me of its artistry, and a time when such artistry was still possible. With June one of the biggest happenings months of the year, at least for the Raving Queen, I can hardly keep up with historical anniversaries and such. Nevertheless, tomorrow is also an important Musical Anniversary, of sorts, which I will leave you to guess, until then. Unless of course that technical glitch, which I am not sure about yet, occurs, and then I will have to do something.

Keep those fingers crossed, girls!!!!!!!!! And listen to the one and only Billy Shears!!!!!!!!!!!!

Biiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy Sheeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars!!!!!!!!!

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