Thursday, June 2, 2011

This Is Just In, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.,....And I was going to write about the upcoming TONY Awards, on Sunday, June 12. But this is far more important.

It had to happen sometime, girls, but I never expected it to happen this soon.

A play has been written, inspired by Tyler Clementi.

Here's the deal--

The name of the work is "...sorry." It may be a work in progress, because it is being done as a Reading. We know all about those, honey, having done some ourselves. The author (hats off!) is Steven Fisher, and the director (what a project!) is David Glenn Armstrong.

The play promises to explore how someone like Tyler can be pushed to do what they did. It is not known to me darlings, whether a young actor is portraying Tyler, or a dramatic facsimile thereof.

It is known that the play is going to incorporate Berlioz' "Symphony Fantastique" (used so hauntingly in the Julia Roberts film "Sleeping With The Enemy." Apparently, at the time of his death, Tyler was rehearsing this piece with the Rutgers Symphonic Orchestra. How ironic And macabre. In addition to the piece being threaded throughout, the ambitious project seeks to parallel Tyler's life with that of Berlioz and his famous piece.

You can bet I am going to do my damnedest to get there. But I have to wonder--do the Clementis know about this? What do they think? And was permission from them necessary in order to dramatize this? One wonders if they will be there, though I would doubt it. I know I would not be too keen on seeing the Nightmare Of My Life dramatized before my eyes, no matter how well done.

Honey, I am squeamish about seeing "The Normal Heart' a second time. But, as I have chronicled this tragedy almost since it happened, I feel duty bound to try and see this. Rest assured, girls, if I do, there will be a full report.

The play is at the Brooklyn Arts Exchange, which is at 421 Fifth Avenue. I want to see all my Tyler supporters there!!!!!!!!!

Dressed in your finest, of course, darlings!!!!!!!!!

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