Thursday, June 16, 2011

Darlings, This Bitch Was Long Overdue!!!!!!!!!

I know what you are thinking, girls--how come she did not turn up sooner??? And how ironic that today marks the anniversary, to the day, of daughter Caylee's disappearance/death.

I am talking about the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, Casey Anthony!!!!!!

Who should also get the Susan Smith, Mother Of The Year Award, as both have SO much in common.

Both will burn in Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both were selfish, evil bitches. Susan was motivated in trying to pull herself up from her White Trash roots. She thought marrying Tom Findlay would allow her to ride the Gravy Train, but he told her he did not want to raise her children. Or, more specifically, he did not want children at all. Her ex-husband, David Smith (so cute back then!!!) was willing to take the two boys, but no, Susan drove them out to John Long Lake and drowned them. And it didn't get her a damn thing except a prison term.

Casey wanted to be a full time party girl, and raising a daughter cramped her style. Her own mother, the child's grandmother, even offered to take Caylee. But, no Miss Casey feigned a disappearance, claimed the child had gone missing, even when it became established that she chloroformed her to death, and hid the body!!!

What a piece of work!!!!! Looks like Susan and she could be cell mates!!!!
These infanticidal maniacs must have ice water flowing in their veins. Never mind the Mydol excuses, this goes beyond hormonal imbalance. These two had their own entitlement issues, and wanted what they wanted when they wanted it. And look what it got them!!!!! This should be a lesson to future perps. But few are as cold as these. Honey, they make the Wicked Queen in "Snow White" look like Mother Teresa.

Casey, you have been long overdue, but you finally made it to Bitch Of The Week. You are pure evil, and my fondest wish for you is permanent incarceration in the Hole, after they cut off every hair on your head, till you are as bald as a bowling ball!!!!!

The Raving Queen can be a bitch, sometimes, too, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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