Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Girls, They Are Still Trying To Get Blood From A Stone!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, "Spider Man-Turn Off The Dark" opened for the final time last night, and while some reviewers said it was better than the last one, that is damning with faint praise. If you read between the lines, it does not look like much has been done, and I for one would not see this mess again unless a free tkt were placed in my hand, or someone paid me to go.

How supremely egotistical is Miss Taymor, not only attending the opening last night, but taking the stage, as though she were still responsible for it, without having never been booted off??????

It is up to the show to see if there is any staying power. My guess is curiosity seekers and summer tourists will keep it going through Labor Day, with maybe a pickup during the Thanksgiving-Christmas rush (if the world does not end by October 21) but after January 2012 (again, if the world does not end)--forget it!!!!!!!!!!!

But never mind "Spider Man"--I have enough going on, what with my play reading tonight, "Valley Of The Dolls" tomorrow, and the Mermaid Parade on Saturday. And a Yoga Class Sunday. There is just no rest for the weary when one is the Raving Queen.

Not to mention next week, which is all about packing for the trip to New Orleans!!!!!!!! And live reports from there will follow.

So "Spider Man," darlings, is the least of it. If it runs, fine, whatever. But let this turkey Rest In Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!

And just think--we have to worry about "Carrie" next season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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