Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Girls, Some Things Just Bear Repeating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, you know, darlings, by now, that when it comes to Tyler Clementi, I am like the proverbial dog with a bone. I will not let go. So it really irks me when I read on NJ.COM, that someone who is President of her school's Gay Straight Alliance, comes out with what you are about to hear. But keep in mind--the school at which she heads this organization is West Windsor-Plainsboro High School North, once attended by--are you ready, girls!--Dahrun Ravi and Molly Wei!!!!!!!

Is there an agenda here? You damn well better believe it!

The President, Shayla Reed, should be fired from her post. You know what she says? Listen to this--"She said she disagreed with the characterization of the incident at Rutgers as a hate crime. 'I think most people would agree that Ravi was just messing around and it just got out of hand."

First of all Miss Reed, the Raving Queen and my girls are NOT most people. Second, "messing around" and "out of hand" are understatements at best. Try saying that face to face with the Clementis. Try convincing a desparing Tyler that.

Let me say it again. This was a hate crime. No one may have intended Tyler Clementi to commit suicide, but he did. And he did because the cultural climate he was surrounded in did not take to his sexuality kindly, plus, instead of giving Tyler a chance to come out slowly, and evolve, like most of us do, the carpet, so to speak, was pulled out from under him. Which is what pushed him off the GW. And this was engineered by Ravi and Wei. Their intention was to embarrass and humiliate Tyler Clementi. They may have been at college only three weeks, but they recognized he was shy and vulnerable--and they went after that!!!!

How anyone can not see this as a hate crime is inhumane. Like today's detractors who say the Holocaust did not happen.

We are, more or less to an extent, consumed by our own Personal Holocaust. Tyler, like those in Germany, had one imposed on him, and like those unfortunate individuals, it destroyed him as surely as they were destroyed in the camps. Both acts engineered by hateful individuals.

I think Shayla Reed needs to stand back and examine her motives. How she can take such a stand indicates she really does not belong at the helm of a Gay Alliance organization.

Miss Reed, for you to say such a thing is to, like Ravi and Wei, have the blood of Tyler Clementi on your hands. Same with anyone who cannot see this as the ultimate hate crime.

Darlings, in addition to punishment being meted, the other true justice for Tyler is that no more LGBT youth are driven to the point he was. That they can attend college, safe and secure to lead their own lives. If Tyler Clementi leaves any kind of a legacy, let that be it.

Listen to him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to those who don't--if you mess with me, I will have your ass!!!!!!

I'm just the Raving Queen, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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