Monday, June 6, 2011

Darlings, What An Exhausting Day Of 'SVU!!!'

It was one of those Sundays, girls, where we were just too tired to do anything, so Monsieur and I stayed in and vegged out--or, at least, I did, loves--with a full day of 'SVU.'

I got to see "Pure", the episode featuring Martin Short in a brilliant dramatic performance as a sleazy, perverted psychic, SO obsessed with purity he can only have sex with a woman IF she is a virgin. Honey, all I can say is, if there are douche bags like this out there, you better have some alternatives up your sleeves, because virgins of appropriate age are getting about as rare as unicorns. As I have said, the convent is not even any guarantee. So who does he think he is???

Also in this one, playing his wife Carly (his very deluded wife), was Mary Mara, by whose voice I recognized her as having played the defense attorney in "Killerz," the famous L and O episode about child killer Jenny Brandt (played magnificently by a young Hallee Hirsch). I think this one was based on serial killers Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, who were the Brady and Hindley of this side of the Atlantic. She allowed Paul to rape her sister. Nice, huh????

Then there was the one about Janie, the little girl with Turner's Syndrome, a growth disorder, who really wasn't a little girl, and which ended inconclusively with her being allowed to take up a relationship with her father's 30 year old assistant, who I still do not trust. I think he is into the whole little girl thing, and that in time, he will cheat on Janie--with minors!!!! One of the few episodes I have seen where the ending dissatisfied me.

And then there were some old faves--like the one with Frank Langella playing an apartment super who is being abused by his psycho son, played by Ian Somerhalder, who is having a dominant and incestuous relationship with his brother, played by Jason Ritter. To think it all comes down to vengeance for social class indifference.
You know what I say, darlings? For that, go have tea at the Ritz-Carlton; don't kill anyone!!!! Could the Menendez brothers have inspired this one????

We also got to see that old favorite, with Richard Thomas as the deranged holy revenge seeking serial killer, due to his brain eaten away by syphilis. Corporate America takes a rap here, when it is found out an insurance company for which this character applied to for a policy, did NOT explain why he was rejected. Uh, oh!!! What I want to know is--his wife (played by Karen Allen) had no idea he was infected, and it was contracted long before they met. Doesn't a marriage license require blood tests from both parties, lambs????? At least, I thought it did!!!! So, either I am wrong, or the writers overlooked something, because she SHOULD have known!!!! And maybe then, something STILL could have been done.

It was SO exhausting, darlings!!!!! And to think tonight I am going to follow this up with a play tonight, suggested by Tyler Clementi????? Why don't I just read Sylvia Plath, and call it a day?????

I think it is time for some "Sound Of Music," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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