Monday, June 6, 2011

Girls, Tonight I Have A Wild And Emotional Excursion To Brooklyn!!!!!!!!!

Girls, there is nothing unfamiliar or intimidating to me about Brooklyn; having lived there for the first 14 years (1983-1997) of my New York life, it still seems more home to me than Queens, my apartment notwithstanding. The trip tonight is emotionally fraught in two ways--I will be retracing the old route by which I used to go home to my Bay Ridge neighborhood, but I will be disembarking considerably before that point, to attend the reading of "..sorry" at the Brooklyn Arts Exchange.

That this work is inspired by the tragic death last year of Tyler Clementi says enough right there about being emotionally fraught. But, since I have covered this situation ever since its horrid unfolding, I feel duty bound, both personally, and to My Girls, to report here on what kind of work in progress is being portrayed, and how it honors the inspired subject. The idea of it incorporating Berlioz' haunting "Symphony Fantastique" is intriguing to say the least, so it should be an interesting evening. And I will have the emotional support of my beloved Monsieur to get me through this experience, which, I think should take care of my decision of whether or not to see "The Normal Heart" again. If this thing turns out to be as wrought as I expect it ought to be, this will do, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

But, girls, I am on the beat, seeking Justice For Tyler, and, fortunately, it seems those technical glitches I have hinted at seem to have been circumvented. So let us be grateful for small favors.

Meantime, I hope to see some of you at the Brooklyn Arts Exchange, and for those not present, an accounting thereof will be provided here, hopefully by tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

Love to all, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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