Thursday, June 23, 2011

Leave It To Human Nature, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, girls, I am telling you, last night walking home with Monsieur, I was saying how I had no candidate at the moment for Bitch Of The Week. And then, voila! things explode and this morning we have a REAL prize of a winner.

The honor of this week's Bitch Of The Week Award goes to David Laffer!

Honey, he is a REAL piece of work! And so is his wife, Melinda Brady. She is no Maureen McCormick, let me tell you!!!!!!!! I mean, look at this picture! REAL trash, the kind that gives Long Island, which has a bad name already (Serial Killer Central) a worse one than before. These two look so trashy they are several notches below Goat Alley. In fact, residents there are high class, next to these two!!!!!!!!!

David Laffer will go down in criminal notoriety history. In fact, I sense a "Law And Order" episode coming. He is the one who committed the dreadful Pharmacy Massacre out in Medford last Sunday, June 19, which happened to be Father's Day!!!!!!!
Happy FD, Dad!!!!!!!!!! Because he needed painkillers (allegedly to manufacture homemade Vicodin; well, let me tell you something, darlings, I was on Vicodin once, and it did nothing for me. But then I need the strong stuff, like Judy!!!!!!!! For me it is strictly Tylenol 3, with codeine. And speaking of Judy (Garland), she knew enough about pharmaceuticals to qualify for a degree, but you never saw her robbing or shooting people down!!! This guy is real scum!!!!!!!!!)

Let me make it clear. David is Bitch Of The Week. Wife Melinda is just an appendage. These two are such a class act; living with her mother, him out of work (a shipping clerk, which according to the Little Rascals, "is a cluck!", hardly Ivy League, with Melinda sitting around popping pills and turning into a real junkie.)

"I am so sorry for all this," she says. Crocodile tears, honey!!!!! She claims he did it, because he was out of a job, and she was sick. What she does not say is that he was fired from his job for stealing, and she needed a fix. Money was low, so he figured he would just grab a stash. Now, I am not defending robbery, but OK, you shoplift, why gun down everyone in sight??????

The victims and the citizens of the community are crying out for both David and Melinda's blood!!!!!!!!! David is some sicko, despite the neighbors saying he was normal, athletic, etc. Normal, athletic, lives with mother-in-law on Long Island, Army vet, gun lover....sounds like a serial killer in the making. So let's stop him, before he kills again.

By now he and the Mrs. are locked somewhere and beginning to come down from their drugs, and I predict their withdrawal will be painful. So, David, not only are you the Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Week, you are some piece of scum!!!!!!

Get Chris Meloni back as Elliot Stabler, and have him slam this guy up against the wall!!!!!!!! Wouldn't we just love it, girls????????????

And if any of you out there need a fix--that is what home coffee makers are for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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