Thursday, June 23, 2011

Burn, Baby, Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, darlings, I am not talking about "Disco Inferno," though we all remember those carefree days of dancing to such at the Monster or the Saint.

I am talking about Deborah Mayfair.

It is so exciting--I have reached the crucial (and best) spot in "The Witching Hour," where the History of the Mayfair Witches, from Suzanne on up to Rowan, is given. And what a history it is!!!!!

Suzanne of Mayfair was burnt as a witch in the 15th century, with her young daughter witnessing such. The child was rescued by Peter Van Abyl, becomes a cunning woman and midwife of her village, where she is turned on by her delirious, dying husband and young sons. She is tried, tortured, and condemned. Even her young sons turn on her, while her older daughter, Charlotte, disgusted by it all, flees to Martinique.

Peter Van Abyl tries to come to the adult Deborah's aid, but to no avail. But, honey, Deborah, like all the Mayfairs, is one tough witch. Before her death, she curses and disowns all who accuse her, and calls forth a swirling storm that knocks the panels off rooftops, crushing everyone who did her dirt!!!! Way to go, Deborah!!!! And Peter Van Abyl lures the evil Witch Judge to a precipice atop the church, and pushes him off!!!!! Good riddance!!!!!!!

In so doing, Deborah speaks for the first time those immortal Mayfair words, words which I want all my girls to know by heart--

"Come forth, my Lasher; be my avenger; strike down my enemies!"

Girls, I am telling you, if this worked, that would be the end of every Grotesque Creature in my life, and in yours!!!!!! The best time to say it is during a tumultuous rainstorm. So take your cue from Deborah, loves; she really socked it to them!!!! Wonder what tricks her daughter Charlotte has up her sleeves?????

As for your tricks, darlings, first, make sure they leave by sunrise. And as for other tricks, make sure only to use this magic for the utmost benefit. Like a manicure!

Darlings, this goes way beyond Elizabeth Montgomery as Samantha OR Serena ("Hi, cuz!"), so all you good witches be on guard against evil ones!!!!!!

Like Sarah Palin! Or Maggie Gallagher!!!!!!!

To the Emerald City, as fast as lightning!

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