Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What A Day This Is, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

According to what I was taught, girls, today is the Longest Day Of The Year, something we have been building towards since six months before. Now, technically, the days start getting shorter after this, but we will not see the results of that till sometime in October, so you have plenty of outdoor time, loves.

Of course, this is Gay Pride Week, and unofficially I guess you could say this date marks the Birth of the Gay Rights Movement. Because, 42 years ago today, Judy Garland, that icon of icons, passed on at what at one time I thought of as the ripe old age of 47, but who am I kidding???? And that was the night the Stonewall Riots began, which launched the Movement.

All I can recall is coming downstairs that morning to breakfast, and my parents telling me Judy Garland was dead. I was emotionally devastated. My parents did not know what to do, as I spent so much time in front of the TV; they took me out of the house, took me to a reissue of "Ben-Hur" (which I had not yet seen) at the Clairidge Theatre in Montclair, New Jersey, and then to Aunt Martha and Uncle Jack's in Cedar Grove, where I swam in their sunken pool!!!!!!!!!!!! All from being upset over Judy!!!!!!!!!!!!

How would I know, having then just graduated from eighth grade, that this would be the defining moment for gay culture, a culture I barely recognized myself as being part of, at the time? But, as my girls know by now, you push a queen too far, and out pops a bitch, and the cops were the first to push the envelope at the time of Judy's death. They obviously did not understand the monumentality of the event. And from this tragedy and ignorance came Gay Rights!!!!!! Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!

But there is another reason to Whoop!, darlings! Today happens to be the birthday of the Divine Meryl Streep. Miss Meryl is 62, and let me tell you, we should all look that good at that age. I plan to, girls!!!!!!! Meryl is an actress, a social activist, a symbol of glamour and a Heavenly emissary here on Earth. I am telling you, the BVM consults with her on fashions and the world situation. Mother Teresa took her cues from Meryl!!!!! So let us take some cues right now, and each and every one of you out there have a birthday celebration for Miss Streep, no matter what your cuisine of choice may be. Mine will be Red Velvet!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Meryl!!!!!!!!!!!! You are a definition of excellence!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure your hemlines are well defined, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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