Thursday, July 14, 2011

Butcha! Butcha!!!!!!!!!!

No, girls, I am not quoting lyrics from "Fiddler On The Roof," though, knowing me, one might expect that. As I have rightly concluded, gradually more and more is coming out about the Monster of Borough Park, Brooklyn--Levi Aron.

According to latest discoveries is that, while living in Memphis, he worked for awhile there, as a Kosher butcher. This meant he had the skill and the facility to dismember, whether it be animals or a human body. And that the dismemberment was done with a series of carving knives indicates Aron had the equipment for such a venture, and that the idea of doing this was somewhere in the recesses of his mind.

Add to this Aron's body showing scratches and bruises, indicating there had been a struggle on the part of young Leiby Kletsky. The kid had literally been fighting for his life!!!!!!! And, marks on the boy's body suggests physical restraint, which suggests he may have been tied up prior to the killing, explaining the boy's inability to escape, which I earlier questioned.

The search is now on to dig further into Aron's background, with the possibility of him being a serial killer having already been suggested. Pay attention here, lambs--he fits so much of the profile already. He is white, male, prime age (35), and his family situation is suspect which paves the way for the kinds of behavior problems associated with these types of individuals.

Just remember, girls, you heard it first here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the iceberg has yet to be tipped!!!!!! But when it does-----!!!!!

You better believe I hear "Law And Order......." in the background!!!!!!!!!!!

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