Saturday, July 16, 2011

"I Hear Music, But There's No One There!"

No, girls, Levi Aron was not raised on the songs of Ethel Merman. He might have turned out better than he did. With the fictitious exception of Douglas Breen in Bob Randall's novel, "The Fan," Theater Queens do NOT become serial killers.

Each day, darlings, we learn something new about Mr. Aron. Like that he is hallucinating and hearing voices. I agree with one commentator who says the only voices he hears are those of his lawyer telling him what to say!!!!!!!

MY view, loves is that these voices are a calculated ploy on Aron's part to extricate himself from this situation as most beneficial to him as possible. Notice there was nothing about voices till a day or two after he was jailed, when it finally sunk into whatever lucid portion of his degenerate mind remains that he is in deep you- know- what!!!!!!! Hey, Levi, you should have thought about that, before luring Leiby Keltsky into your car!!!!!!!!!

Also, ex-wife Debbie is now claiming he beat her, tried to force sex on her, and harassed her mercilessly. Uh-huh. The Raving Queen is not a bit surprised, darlings; it is all part of the profile. So don't be surprised if we learn of some missing children or bodies in Memphis during this period. I will not be surprised at all.

Even ex-wife Number One, jailbird, Diana Diunov, has spoken out about him, saying he is a sociopath who knew exactly what he was doing, and that he is sane enough to stand trial. She also provides some insights into him, and an interesting motive.

She says he was raised by extremely strict parents, who embraced religiosity later in life, but with a fanatic fervor. He was dominated by his mother. The community in which he lived looked down on him, because he was not born into a religious life, he was low income and not a good martial prospect.

All of which can understandably erode one's self-esteem and breed resentment, but does not explain a socio-sexual predilection for boys and the capacity to kill and dismember.

According to Diunov, an underlying desire for fame was the motive for what he did. She makes one valid point--that the timing of the event was right after the Casey Anthony outcome, and he saw the media attention she got, and he hungered for that. She said he embraced such mainstream cultural icons as "Glee", "American Idol" and Lady Gaga, and always nursed in his heart the hope he would become a famed singer/songwriter.

Honey, let me tell you. Many, including yours truly, may have fame issues, but we do NOT go around killing and dismembering children. I can't even change a diaper, much less dispose of a body. So, while these desires may well be a part of Levi's personality, I don't think they are the prime motive.

I think she is onto something with the parental upbringing and social exclusion. Add socio-sexual pathology to that, and you have a credible motive. Levi Aron was beaten down by his stunted upbringing, failed attempts at relationships, and while considering himself a member of the Orthodox Jewish community, was not really embraced (more like begrudgingly tolerated) by them, leading to a sense of Jewish self-hatred that erupted when he saw Leiby Kletsky walking alone, and all these personality disturbances came together in one instant, compelling him to act. In some twisted way, he both loved and loathed Leiby Kletsky, as surely as he both loved and loathed himself. And in some bizarre way, I believe, Aron felt, by doing what he did, that he was killing the childhood self he resented, AND, on some level, saving Lebiy from becoming the adult he was, which he felt such an upbringing would result in.

That is the clearest motive I can construct for why Levi Aron murdered Leiby Kletskty. The dismemberment goes beyond anything I can fathom.

As everyone, from concerned parents to confirmed jailbirds are now pointing out, there was always something off kilter about Levi Aron. And Diunov points out, in that community, help is never sought. It was the proverbial Perfect Storm.

How right or wrong I am in these observations will be determined. Until more is heard, even from Aron's lips, this is what I am standing by, girls!!!!!!!!!

I disagree that he is sane. Anyone who did what he did could NOT be. I DO agree he fully knew what he was doing. And how about this supposedly shy guy having TWO ex-wives??? Granted, the marriages petered out after a brief time, but he was enough of a smoothie to win them, however he did. A REAL sociopath, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I will continue to be on the beat about this. I have no idea what the conclusion will be, except that I have the feeling that, in some horrible way, even with legalities at work, it will end somehow in the death of Levi Aron!!!!!!!!

The fortitude of the Kletskys can only be admired. The soul of their child still cries out for justice!!!!!!!!!!!

Power To The People, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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