Sunday, July 17, 2011

Girls, Can You Believe It Has Been Twenty Years?????

I just discovered, darlings, that next month makes twenty years since Demi Moore posed, nude and pregnant, on the cover of Vanity Fair. At my age, time just drifts in and out, like sand through the hourglass, at the start of "Days Of Our Lives." I had no idea it had been that long. Which means daughter Scout, who was then distending Demi's belly, is about to turn 20!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't this a nice break from the luridness of last week? Don't worry; we are sure to return there, as soon as fresh discoveries are made, and believe me, they will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what has been happening???????????????

Monsieur, his charming friend, Carol, and I dined Friday eve at the new Village auxiliary Jackson Diner, on University Place. Now, folks won't have to schlep all the way out to Jackson Heights, Queens (which even I don't like to do, darlings!!!! And I live in Woodside!!!!!) to sample its exquisite Indian fare, which even agrees with me. They must go easy on the spices, they do go easy on the portions and heaviness, which is why I feel I finally have a safe Indian place to go to.

But, getting back to serial killers, I am anxious to see "Silence! The Musical", based on "The Silence Of The Lambs." But with the rave reviews, limited run, and a weekends only performance schedule, like 'Rocky Horror', it is definitely this summer's hottest ticket!!!! But you know how resourceful I am, darlings, so I may get in, after all!

Just like I MAY get my call this summer to do "Frank Mills" in "HAIR."

And NO, I am not doing my own version of the Demi cover for the twentieth anniversary.

Remember, sweeties, you are ALL your own magazine covers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey, watch what you say about Jackson Heights; I live there! lol!

  2. Well, being in Woodside I have passed many times through JH. Several friends and acquaintances live there. And because of my stomach issues I never went to the Jackson Diner, though that could change.

    I was actually targeting self-righteous Manhantanites, who sometimes will not venture out of the comfort zone of their own nabes, let alone the Four Other Boroughs!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Tell me about it! I have friends who live in Manhattan who act like it's going on a safari to travel downtown, let alone Queens!
