Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Darlilngs, It Is Going To Be A Sizzzzzzzzzler!!!!!!!!!

Nothing like what I recently experienced in New Orleans, though girls, who would have thought that once leaving the tree enshrouded suburb that was and continues to be Highland Park, New Jersey, I would be subject to the sound of cicadas???? Just this morning, as I was dressing and doing my beauty regimen for work I heard that all too familiar sound in the surrounding trees--the sounds of cries of hundreds of insects seeming as though they would attack, like something out of a 50's giant monster movie.
The indicator, both then and now, that today's weather will be a scorcher, which means cool gown, loose stays, and plenty of iced fluids. Have about five mimosas, darlings, and then the heat won't bother you at all????? If I had that many, NOTHING would bother me--period.

Here we are smack in midsummer, so this kind of weather is expected--and keep remembering, loves, that when we are all layered up and freezing six months later in January, we will look back on all this fondly. As the Rolling Stones said, "You can't always get what you want.."

What I would like is to avoid my dental visit tomorrow, but with Monsieur nagging at me to go, what choice do I have? If it was just one visit, I would not complain, but, as you know, sweeties, one visit to the dentist always seems to result in several. Just what I need.

I would much rather be under a hammock right now, pouring over "GWTW" which is a lot more interesting, even on a ninth reading, than any dentist office. But I have to look my best, darlings, camera or not.

And NO I have seen the final 'Harry Potter' movie. I am still making up my mind whether or not I should go. Though I did read the final book.

I am just holding on till "Follies." I am ready to go on, if needed!!!!!!!!!

Stay cool, girls, and remember to make your entrance in clean, fresh gowns!!!!!!!!

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