Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Darlings, Can You Believe, Not A Word About THIS??????????

Girls, June 30th came and went, and while I was in New Orleans, which, honey, let me tell you IS the South, not a word was said about what I am going to write about. I am talking about the fact that the above date was the 75th Anniversary of the publication of Margaret Mitchell's American masterwork, "Gone With The Wind," certainly one of the most important works of fiction of the 20th Century.

And New Orleans even figures in the story, because, when Scarlett and Rhett finally tie the knot, that is where they go to honeymoon. You can bet they dined at Antoine's!!!!!!

Of course, Miss Mitchell, being a native of Atlanta, celebrations of all sorts were planned and conducted in that fair city!!! I could not believe nothing in New Orleans, let alone New York.

Honey, "GWTW" is iconic. Where would I be if it wasn't for it??? Where would the gay male community be????? It helped us get through a lot; that, and the movie!!!!!

So, I want to take time right now on here to acknowledge the 75th Anniversary of Mitchell's Masterpiece. Let us hope I am around for the 100th Anniversary, but if I am not, my reading of the 75th Aniiversary Edition could be a crucial, if not final, one.

Fiddle Dee Dee to all my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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