Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Darlings, We Are Back Where We Belong!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, for days I have been unable to communicate with you, due to tech glitches, but either they have been corrected, or something about my computer makes it possible! So, for better or worse, let me tell you, that we have been back in the town I call my own for several days. The Raving Queen returned to New York, like Dolly Gallagher Levi returning to the Harmonia Gardens and I want to tell you, as much as we loved NOLA (including the Natchez Riverboat Ride, where you better believe I did some numbers from "Show Boat"!) we are glad to return to New York, where all things are familiar.

And so much has happened already, since we returned, that I have not had a chance to report it. So let me get started here, and we will be off and running. Let us hope I am back with you on a permanent basis.

Love you all, girls!!!!!!!

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