Friday, July 1, 2011

Darlings, Did You Ever Happen To Hear Of Voodoo?????

Now, girls, let me say, first of all, that as a Catholic of sorts (ie; a rather imperfect one, yet nevertheless I remember everything and watch "The Song Of Bernadette" at Easter) I have always found voodoo fascinating. When younger, and more into the horror aspects, the idea of dancing before a statue, and sticking pins in a doll to ward off enemies, was very appealing. But as I aged, what came to fascinate me were the visuals--the colors and different ways altars are decorated.

Decoration has always been first and foremost with us queens, loves, and what could be more decorative than a Voodoo Altar??? So, with the shopping left to do today, and some changes in my apartment back home, I will have my own Voodoo Altar, which, I am telling you, will be the talk of the neighborhood!!!!!! It will not be devoted to warding off enemies, though I have no objection, but to creating a sense of prosperity and well being. That is, peace of mind, because, with the meds I take for anxiety, I obviously need more of that than anyone.

Of course, my altar will be unique to my personality, so don't be surprised to find a picture of Jennifer Jones on it. It will be a work in progress, and when it is completed, I will have a showing for all my girls!!!! But no dancing in a sarong!!!!!!

Tom toms put me into a sort of who-do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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