Friday, July 1, 2011

From The Swamp To Commander's Palace!!!!!!!!!

Girls, you know this has been a successful vacation, because yesterday I missed Bitch Of The Week. I was thinking of all my girls,and I DO have a candidate--who will be named when things return to normal (if you can call it that!) next week!

Yesterday, Monsieur and I took a Swamp Tour. The tour was fascinating, with Fancy The Alligator, being so sweet and cute, she let our guide, Reggie, kiss the top of her head. After he fed her a considerable bunch of marshmallows, that is.
And Monsieur got to hold Baby Elvis, who was cute, but I couldn't bring myself to hold him, but I did pet him and uttered sweet endearments. I am kind to my animals, honey!!!! Room enough in my heart for all God's creatures!!!!!!

Our bus driver, Brian, was wild, doing a stand up routine all the way, while driving, and our fellow tourists, save for a few tribal members (ie; a group of Gay guys!!!) were...well,let's just say you would not find them at Commander's Palace.

Which is where we were last eve, you better believe it. This one is also mentioned in "The Witching Hour," and, as it is not too fat from the Mayfair House (1239 First Street, darlings!!!!) you know it is frequented by that distinguished bunch. Reason enough to go there, but, oh! the food, service and atmosphere were impeccable!!!!!

We were seated up in the Garden Room, with a view of the trees that made us feel so ensconced in the Garden District. It was like sitting up in a tree, with the best of both worlds--a view and air conditioning. The meal was superb!!!!!! What did we have??????

Well, I started with a Commander's Salad, which was light and heavenly. Monsieur opted for the Gumbo, which I sampled, and it was delicious. But then, this is the Commander's Palace, winner of multiple James Beard Awards, so why shouldn't it be????? Monsieur had a delicious White Shrimp dish, seasoned in true New Orleans style, while I had the Pork Tenderloin, with grilled spinach and sweet potatoes, in a smoked, spicy sauce. Both were luscious, filling, but not too. Then came desert--a flaming Bananas Foster over ice cream, that was SO good, and a pecan pie wrapped like a swan, which I, darlings, was allowed to take home, and will feast on sometime today. And this was washed down with the House Wine Of The South, Iced Tea, and I could not do desert, without my chicory coffee.

After a day like this, what else could we do but go back to the hotel?????
Did I feel more at home in Commanders Palace???? Darlings, of course!!!!!! But I think if you visit here, you should do a Swamp Tour!!!!!!!

But watch out, girls, for what the sun does to your hair and skin out there!!!!!!!!

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