Saturday, July 23, 2011

Darlings, First They Are Walking Out On 'Spider Man'.....

.....Now, girls, in another theatrical arena, the New York City courtroom, they are starting to walk out on the Levi Aron case!!!!!!!!!!

At least, one attorney, so far, has, and I would not be surprised if there are more before all is done. The walkout is Gerald Marrone, who withdrew from the case, due to "moral issues." The REAL moral issue to ask is why did Mr. Marrone take the case, anyway???? And what pushed his buttons to get himself removed???????

In his stead comes Jennifer L. McCann, of Garden City (how distinctly Middle Class, darlings!!!) and a St. John's graduate, who, it would not surprise me, is probably some Stephanie March/Alex Cabot wannabe but without the glamour or intelligence of Stephanie/Alex (though, hopefully, she will not have those dreadful bangs that Stephanie/Alex had in that old 'SVU' episode I saw).

This case will have trouble keeping a defense team together. I mean, who would want to be on it?????????? I would much rather be on the prosecution team, because you know the reception there will be favorable. If the defense team thinks that, by doing this, they are going to get Levi to walk, then they may just as well turn him out on the street right now, to be torn to be pieces by a mob, or shot at by just about anyone. Because, assuredly, if, for some unfathomable reason, this guy walks, it will surely happen.

The drama just does not seem to end on this one! And the community's wounds are still red and raw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The defense can argue all it is entitled to, but if there is any justice, it will keep Levi Aron off the streets permanently. Even if it turns out, as it is seeming to, that Leiby Kletsky was his only victim (I am still out on that one, girls!!!) he can still be classified as a textbook serial killer who was caught early in a so-called "career," which was quickly halted!!!!!!!!!

The drama just keeps better and better, loves!!!!!! Stay tuned!!!!!!!

And if I turn up in court, you can bet I will give a detailed account of my ensemble!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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