Monday, July 25, 2011

Darlings, I Am Just Like Sister Peg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How many times, girls, do I have to stress that if there is one thing I have, it is a maternal heart??????? Room enough in it for all God's creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!

Which is why I relate so well to Charlaine Woodard's character of Sister Peg on "Law And Order SVU." Sister Peg works the streets of NYC in order to keep it as safe as possible for those professional (ie; world's oldest) working girls, who, for whatever reason, feel they have to work those streets, as well.

Both Sister Peg and Her Girls provide a service. And both services put both the girls and Peg in danger. But Sister, like me, services to the downtrodden. Honey, on some days here, I feel I am doing the same thing, so I know how Sister Peg feels. And with my justice posts for Tyler Clementi and now Leiby Kletsky, you can bet I want to help those unable to help themselves, to tip the scales of justice forward in favor of these tragic victims.

I will speak out for them, just as Sister Peg speaks for her girls!!!!!!!!! And if I take to the soup kitchens of the city, handing and ladling out soup and blankets, so be it!!!!!!!!!!! It is all in a day's work, like Sister Peg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Peg knows the score, honey, just like I do!!!!!!!! I bet she even reads Toni Morrison. So get hep to Sister Peg and her mission. As well as mine--to bring glamour and comfort to all who feel need from duress!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Peg and I fight in our respective corners!!!! Believe me, yeah!!!!!!!!!!

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