Monday, July 25, 2011

"I Won't Forget. You BET I Won't Forget!!!!!!!!"

As any of my girls know, the above words are the ones that propel forward the plot of the remaining two hours plus of the movie "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" This has also served as a mantra for me girls, and one thing I was not about to forget is that today was the day of cyber scum Dahrun Ravi's most recent appointment in court, and the results are not satisfying. But keep in mind the prosecution has not had a chance to fight back the latest allegations.

Sleaze attorney Steve Altman is moving for a dismissal of charges against Dahrun Ravi, on the grounds that the Grand Jury was not presented with enough evidence. Really????????? I guess they figure if Casey Anthony can walk, anyone can. At least, that is what they seem to be hoping. They also plan, it seems to mount a Tyler Clementi smear campaign, trying to get in contact with the mysterious "other man," known only as MB (Milton Bradley, darlings?????) who was with Tyler. There are also claims towards having documentation, computer and otherwise, giving Tyler's emotional state at the time of the events. Yes, just as Monsieur predicted, it is going to get ugly, and my heart goes out once again to the Clementis, who were there to witness this.

But two can get ugly, darlings, so let me tell you this. In launching a campaign of non-justice for Tyler Clementi, in trying to advocate what Dahrun Ravi did does not merit some kind of guilt, Altman is fueling the way for the continuance of homophobia in this country, and this I will not allow!!!!!! Tyler Clementi is the victim here, not Mr. Ravi, and I wish Tyler were alive for so many reasons, not the least being that he could take the stand!!!!!!!! Hell, I wish I could take the stand in Tyler's place as his surrogate, because, believe me, if there were any way I could, I would!!!!!!!! And if Altman and his sleaze team mount a smear campaign against Tyler, it will be nothing compared to the smear campaign I will mount against him, and continue to mount against Ravi and Opportunity Ice Queen Bitch Molly Wei!!!!!!!!!! May he end up slinging tandoori in an East Village Indian restaurant, and she frying rice in Chinatown!!!!!!!! It's too good for them!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't mess with the Raving Queen, you scumbags!!!!!!! I have been following this ever since it broke, and will continue to!!!!!!!!!! The Clementis, living and dead, are the ones most deserving of justice here, and I, for one, intend to see that they get it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or else I will give it to the Justice System!!!!!!!! As only I can, loves!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, attorneys!!!!!!!!!!! Spend less time on haberdashery, and more on ethics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing further, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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