Sunday, July 10, 2011

Darlings, Meet Insanity Wolf!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't he precious, girls?????????? You can just hear the theme music to "Jaws" in the background!!!!!! Not to mention "Cujo!"

Everyone, at some time or another, at one time or another, meets up with Insanity Wolf!!!!! He comes in various personae. The trick is how to safely survive an encounter. Here is what I will tell MY girls!!!!!!!!

The first thing to remember is, by virtue of his venom, and moniker, he IS insane!!!!!
Let him spew forth!!!!! When he is done--get away from the motherfucker as fast as you can, because this is one wolf you want to avoid!!!!!

I had an encounter with IW as recently as last week. It was naaaaaaaaaasty!!!!!!!!!!! But instead of getting naaaaaaaaaaasty right back, and you know, being the Raving Queen, darlings, I took action. Not to mention the High Road!!!!! Things are wounding for a time, but before you know it, Insanity Wolf will be gone!!!!!! The trick is not to get caught in HIS trap!!!!!!!!

I know the temptation is to reach for a Silver Bullet. But this is Insanity Wolf, NOT a werewolf!!!!! So let him drip his venom all he wants. When he is done, if things do not let up, reach for a good hypodermic and syringe, which should stop the foam dripping from his mouth!!!!!

But most of all, keep in mind, girls, throughout it all, that you are so much BETTER than he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know I am, dolls! And I know that all my girls are, too!!!!!

Woof! Woof!

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