Sunday, July 10, 2011

Poor Jules!!!! Good Girl With All The Bad Breaks!!!!!

Poor Julie Taymor. First, she gets fired from the debacle that is "Spider Man: Turn Off The Dark." Five days later, she is named Bitch Of The Week by the Raving Queen. Her professional credibility is down the tubes!!!! Then comes the "Law And Order Criminal Intent" episode, where Cynthia Nixon, having a ripe old time, portrays a stand in for her. Honey, as a Theater Child herself, Cynthia clearly understood whom she was playing, and relished every moment.

Now, from the Fringe Festival, who, last year, brought us "Silence! The Musical--The Unauthorized Musical Version Of 'The Silence Of The Lambs'" (which just opened last eve at the Theatre 80 St. Marks, to howling crowds), comes...."The Legend Of Julie Taymor!"
A New Musical!!!

Girls, I cannot wait to see this one! What an opportunity for the actress playing the title role. I can just hear the songs right now--"I'm as controlling as Kansas in August...."!!!! And I am sure the producers of this one are hoping to strike gold, just like "Silence!" (which I cannot believe I was not approached about doing, darlings!!!!) and that megahit, "Urinetown!!!!"

You know there is an audience for this one, as, having brought it all on herself with her Incredible Artistic Ego, everyone is gunning for Julie!!!! I said she should have left town after 'Criminal Intent'; if she does not take a powder after this show goes up, her balls are brassier than I thought!!!!!!

Dolls, you have to feel a little sorry for poor Jules!!!! Now her whole career is a musical spoof!!!! She must be the loneliest one on the Theatrical Playground. "The Green Bird" is now a wounded bird!!!!!!

But who can resist dumping on Jules!!!! The Hubris Queen herself!!!! Rest assured, loves, as soon as I see 'Legend', I will give you a full report!!!!!!

And remember, its being Off-Broadway is no excuse NOT to dress your best!!!!!

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