Friday, July 8, 2011

Girls, Sometimes You Just Need A Day For Yourself!!!!!

Darlings, the first week back from vacation is always a bitch, but mine has been especially so. And I am not just talking about the outcome of Casey Anthony's case, or the death of Alice Playten, upsetting as those were.

So, even though I had many errands to do today, I eliminated a lot of them. I canceled my doctor appointment, which I would not have made on time, anyway. I became too tired to go the movie I wanted. And my morning was taken up with phone calls to people I owed, apprising them of recent High Drama, as well as my fabulous NOLA trip!!!!!

At least I got to the cleaners and laundry. Not to mention the bank, into the city, where I had to deliver something for Harvey at the Center, and now here I am at Monsieur's, patiently waiting, as we are going to meet the inspirational Herb for dinner. Believe me, honey, HIS eyes have seen the glory, and NOT Anita Bryant!!!!!!

Even a Raving Queen hits a down glamour day now and then. But not to fear, "Follies" arrives next month, and guess who will be on hand, to report that to all my
girls????? That is right; you better believe it!!!!!

So here is to rest and recoup!!!!! And Miss Casey Anthony, you had damn well better watch your back. On the other hand, who would stop her attacker??????

Love to all, dears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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