Thursday, July 7, 2011

Is There No Justice In The World?????????????????

You have to wonder about this, girls, in the face of the recent events of Casey Anthony being found "Not Guilty" of murdering her sweet child, Caylee. That child is still, and will remain evermore, deceased, so where is the justice for her?????? The blood of this child cries out from the ground, and someone should hear its cries!!!!!!

So now, Party Girl Casey can ho' her way through Life as she pleases, and, believe me, I am sure she will waste no time!!!!!! She probably is still celebrating at the bar right now, even as I write!!!!!!

I heard one juror remark how they wanted a "Guilty" conviction for her, but could not honestly do so, because there just was not enough evidence. Now, I was not on the jury, so I cannot dispute that, but the fact is that Caylee is dead, she did not start out that way, someone put her in that state, and that should count for something.

If I were Casey, though, I would watch my back. Because for every scumbag ready to party with her, there are vigilantes lurking, who may be out for her blood, and she may just get a big heaping portion of Frontier Justice before she is done.

The smart thing to do would be a new identity, location, and life. But you know Miss Casey cannot do that. She has just reveled in the media attention, and she is not about to give that up for anything.

But mark my words--Caylee's spirit will NOT rest in peace until justice is attained. This Mama had better watch out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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