Thursday, July 7, 2011

NO, Darlings, This Is The BItch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I realize that many might think my previous post would qualify as such, and if I had thought far enough in advance it well could. But I have decided to go with a real life winner, because much more damage is being wrought by her than by Stephanie Mulroney's fictional (but madcap and lovable) exploits!!!!!!!!!!!

The winner of the Raving Queen's Bitch Of The Week Award is Maggie Gallagher!!!!!

Have you gotten a good look at her???? This is some media person who advocates Heterosexual Marriage exclusively, and is out to tip things against the recently passed Gay Marriage in New York. Well, the first thing I want to know, Maggie is--are YOU married???? Because you are about as attractive as Rosie 0'Donnell!!!!!! If I walked into Henrietta Hudson's (before I was killed) on a Saturday night, and saw you there, you would fit right in!!!!!!!!!!

Maggie, if you ARE married, keep your mouth shut!!!!!!! If not, who the hell are you to talk???????? At least Anita Bryant looked good, back in the day!!!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing lovable about Maggie. I am sure cats in heat pass her on the other side of the street!!!!!!! Hey, if they did a remake of "Voodoo Woman" she would not require much makeup for the part!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess I am getting a little bitchy, here, dolls!!!!!!!! But Maggie brings out the bitch in most!!!!!!!! So here is to Maggie Gallagher, this week's Winner, who if she keeps on going is sure to be a shoo-in for the Kirstie Alley Full Figure Award!!!!!!!!!!

Now that is one award I can afford to lose!!!!!!!! And so can all my girls!!!!!!! Hell it is NO contest!!!!!!!!!!! None of us are even contenders!!!!!!!!!!

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