Thursday, July 28, 2011

Darlings, This Is One Bitch Who Should Go Away!!!!!!!!!

Girls, it is time for another Bitch Of The Week, and this one, coming again from television, is a real pain. Just when I thought he was gone for good, having not seen him for awhile, up he pops again last night!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is William Shatner as Priceline Negotiator. Or, as the song goes, "Price-Line Ne-go-ti-a-tor!"

This series of commercials is embarrassing to all concerned. And the last set, where you had Good Twin vs. Bad Twin were the worst, because you got two for the price of one. And I don't mean Jack LaLane. Because it is obvious, from the way he looks, that Mr. Shatner has been nowhere near any kind of fitness center!!!!!

I mean, is he camping it up, or what???? What he should be negotiating for is either a gym membership, or enrollment in Jenny Craig!!!!! Maybe he suffers from goiter, or hypothyroidism. But I don't think so.

Personally, I think it goes back to when he and his ex-wife Marcie (who I bet looks better now than he does) did those Promise Margarine commercials. He obviously ate too many servings of those sugar glazed carrots she used to make...and probably everything else in sight!!!!!

Even with his toupee, there were some who thought him hot back in his Captain Kirk days. Now, oh my God!!! Remember the "Twilight Zone" episode "The Horror At 35,000 Feet?" Where he plays a window seat passenger, terrified of a gremlin?????
Well, honey, if that episode were shot now, not only would the plane topple over, when he sat by the window, that poor gremlin would be so scared by what HE saw, HE would jump off the wing of the plane!!!!!!!

An actor has to work, yes, but come on, Bill, do something!!!!! But these commercials he does now are so annoying, as soon as I saw it last night, I knew I had found my Bitch Of The Week!!!!!

The Raving Queen congratulates Mr. Shatner on his latest, and dubious distinction!!!!! I can't wait for the (ugh) "Family Affair redo, where, now, he could play Mr. French!!!! But with less sophistication than Sebastian Cabot!!!!!

And that photo???? Who does he think he is, Donna McKechnie???? I think NOT!

Once, as Kirk, Shatner boldly went where no one had gone before. Now, I wonder if he can boldly walk across the street!!!!!!

What a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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