Saturday, August 6, 2011

Darlings, I Know The Dow Plummeted Yesterday, But, I Am Telling You, There Is More Uproar In This Town Over The "Funny Girl" Casting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I wonder if Barbra will weigh in?????????

Well, Marilyn Michaels, a former Fanny Brice, who did the role on tour, has, and, while she tries to be as polite and gracious as can be, if you read carefully enough, it is clear she feels Lauren is NO Fanny. And neither do a lot of people. What get me is Bartlett Sher (who has no business directing this gay iconic musical) has confessed he feels that no matter what he does with this show, he is going to get crucified!!!!!!!!!

Then, why do it, Bart????????????

Loves, you have to see this YouTube of Lauren with her band doing "My Man". The music arrangements are horrible, and Lauren does little more than shout, amid spastic movements. This is Fanny Brice???? "My Man" is a torch song of unrequited love that demands it be song with a lot of feeling, which Lauren certainly did not have.

Honey, I was singing "My Man" while getting ready for work, and you better believe, I nailed it!!!!! Perhaps I should walk into one of the gay bars tonight and show them what I've got!!!!!!!!! Blow Lauren right off the cast directory!!!!!!!!
But then, so many gay men in so many cities across America are going to do the same thing tonight!!!!!!!! You can count on it, sweethearts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To think that talk over this show among the communities is outstripping talk on "Follies," which begins its preview performance tomorrow night. Love to be there to hear that opening drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The plan is to open this "Funny Girl" out in Los Angles. If it goes well, then it will fly in to Broadway. But what if it doesn't???? It should sink graciously, and fade into oblivion. And if it DOES make it to New York, I can almost guarantee that, for awhile at least, it will be a novelty draw. There will be those who come to support Lauren, and who knows, she may turn out to be a revelation. (Though I doubt it!) But there will be even more who revere this show, and the standards it takes to play its lead role, and will enjoy watching Lauren fall flat on her face!!!!!!! If you think a group of New York theater critics are unforgiving, think again!!!!!!!! They are nothing compared to a group of disgruntled theater queens!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just for the record, I have been singing the score a lot more these days, just in case I need to be ready. If you thought the drama of getting "Funny Girl" to Broadway with Barbra (who beat out such contenders as Eydie Gorme, Kaye Ballard, and Anne Bancroft!!!!!!!!) was something, think again!!!!!!!! Barbra was unknown, but BOY did she deliver!!!!!!!! Lauren is going to wind up damaged goods!!!!!!!!!!!

One of Bartlett Sher's contenders for the part was Leslie Kritzer, who played the daughter to Faith Prince in the musical "A Catered Affair," but, more importantly, played Fanny in a highly acclaimed revival of "Funny Girl" several years back, at the Paper Mill Playhouse, in Millburn, New Jersey. I was unsuccessful in getting tickets for the sold out engagement, but I do know it and Leslie got great reviews, and there was talk of bringing THAT into New York!!!!!!!!!!!

Next to yours truly, girls, Leslie Kritzer would be my choice, and Bartlett Sher had better do some thinking.

Believe me, this is going to be the hottest theater topic on record until it folds in LA, or makes it to Broadway. Not even ENCORES has tackled "Funny Girl."

Lauren may feel right now she is the luckiest people in the world, but viewers won't feel that, when they come to see her!!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for further developments, as they happen, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sorry, but it would be nice if Marilyn Michaels had a shred of graciousness. It's not like she's any kind of original talent; she's an IMPERSONATOR, which is exactly what she did when she mimicked Babs after taking over in the role. Her interview had "bitter old has been" written all over it! Wish the new girl well Marilyn and go back to the Catskills!

  2. While I admire the talent Michaels is, I agree with what you say. Which is why she did the role on tour; she would not be considered good enough to be a New York replacement. BTW, what happened to Barbra's replacement, Mimi Hines??????

    This juror is till out on Lauren. But will I go see her if this comes to Broadway????? You bet!

  3. Mimi Hines played Hattie in the Encores production of Follies several years ago. Her Broadway Baby was great. When she sang the line "There's just my cat", she mimed kicking a cat across the room. It got a big laugh. Joanne Worley brought down the house though with Who's That Woman. She should have been a huge Broadway star!

  4. Wow! You saw the ENCORE "Follies." I tried but could not get a tkt. And I am sorry it was not recorded on CD. Victoria Clark and Donna Murphy as Sally and Phyllis--how glorious that must have been!!!!!

    Forgot Hines did "Broadway Baby", but I am sure she could pull it off.

    As for Joanne Worley, she was sort of on the way--she did understudy Channing during the orginal run of 'Dolly.' But she got sidetracked, and consolidted her TV star status, by a little something called "Rowan And Martin's Laugh-In!!!!!!!"
