Thursday, August 25, 2011

Darlings, This Is One Bitch Who Got What She Deserved!!!!!

Girls, this week's winner is one nasty thing!!!!! Of course, part of that stems from her being stranded on an uncharted tropical island in a 50's sci-fi film considered one of the worst movies ever made!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Korey in "From Hell It Came!!!!"

Now, if Korey had not been on this island, she would have fit right into 50's suburbia, and the "Mad Men" era, because she was just one big old social climber!!!! Hell, she could have made it into "The Ice Storm," given half a chance!!!!

For a nowhere island, things get pretty heated politically. Korey has been married to Kimo, son of the Native Chieftain. Daddy dies, and, while Kimo is a nice guy, he just can't cut it as a leader. So his position is usurped by Chief Maranka, the local Witch Doctor, who begins making a play for Korey, without question the best looking woman on the island. Where did she learn make-up and hair styling techniques???? Kimo, meanwhile has become a forward thinker, and has ingratiated himself with a group of American scientists, who are there to study tribal customs. Using this as a pretext to get Korey for himself, he openly accuses Kimo of betraying his people. Poor Kimo, before the entire village is pinned to the ground with spikes, and sacrificially stabbed, in front of the villagers. This island, by the way, looks like someone's back yard, or a sand pit at a local country club. REALLY low budget!!! But before Kimo dies, the nasty Korey reveals herself to be a power mad bitch (she wants the status of being the Chieftain's wife, which shows how perfectly she would have fit in with corporate America!!!), who openly renounces Kimo. But smart Kimo, given his obligatory last words, he curses the entire village--and Korey--promising to come back and avenge himself on them all!!!! You can see that nasty piece, Korey, tremble!!! And come back Kimo does--as tree monster Tabonga!!! No kidding, dolls, a walking tree, with an ugly face, limb arms, and he sees to it that Korey gets what is coming to her!!!! Go, Tabonga!!!!!!

Korey was played by an actress named Suzanne Ridgeway, whom no one expected anything from. I expected this to be her only credit, but she turns out to have been in, albeit remotely, two of the biggest "A" list films of all time--"Gone With The Wind" and "Citizen Kane". Can you believe it??? From there, to THIS garbage?????
In the 1939 classic, she played one of the Can-Can dancers, visible down below, while Scarlett and Rhett are on their New Orleans honeymoon!!!!! In "Citizen Kane," she is one of the nightclub dancers during the celebration scene, early on in Kane's career!!!!

Obviously, her greatest career triumph was Korey, because she speaks. How could she have known that a money job would turn out to be her signature role??? Well, that's show biz, darlings!!!!!!

So, here is to this week's Bitch Of The Week, Korey!!!! She was ahead of her time, and her culture!!!!

Girls, don't you DARE offer up your husband for sacrifice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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