Thursday, August 25, 2011

Girls, It May Not Have Been "Rosemary's Baby", But It Was Lots Of Fun!!!!!!!!!!

Just caught the latest episode of "Rizzoli and Isles," darlings, which Monsieur sometimes tapes for me, when I get caught up in other things. This most recent one was such fun, since it dealt with a subject near and dear to my heart, and to so many of you--witchcraft!!!!!!

Things started out excitingly enough, with some woman tied to a tree, obviously being set up for a burning, while weird, indistinct voices issued from the soundtrack. Clearly, a serial killer, I thought. The series takes place in Boston, MA, but it turns out the victim lived not far from Wtich City USA, Salem, MASS. In fact, further investigation proves she was a practicing witch also, and part of some coven, all of whom are employees at an occult store in Salem.

Maura, the intellectual but still glamours MD, played by Sasha Alexander, knows all about anthropology and occult rituals, it would seem. While Jane, with that equally glamorous Angie Harmon hair, figure and voice, has been to Salem six times; turns out she is an aficionado of witchery. In between all this, Mamma Lorraine Bracco is serving coffee, bunny shaped pancakes, and trying to deal with the mess of son Frankie, and his trashy ex, Teresa. She is SO trampy, girls; her skirts are higher than Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich. The blouse is cheap, the hair is frowzy, and, horrors, she chews her food open mouthed at the dinner table!!!!!! She would not dine with me, I can tell you!!!!!!!! Clearly, she was not a Miss Porter's graduate. We know what Frankie must have been thinking with when he rubbed up against Teresa!!!!!!!! And she comes armed with a surprise--a sweet little girl named Lily, whom she is trying to pass off as Frankie's, so she can manipulate her way into the family's good graces, as if she could!!!!!! And to have the nerve of applying at the police station for a job. As what???? A hooker decoy??? And all this talk about being a nurse's aide!!!!!!! This is NO Florence Nightingale, girls.

Not to fear. Teresa gets found out, and sent on her way. But back to the witchery. Soon, other members of the coven are being attacked or murdered; one is found drowned in his bathtub, the other a victim of a toppling bookshelf which might have crushed her, mimicking the old Salem punishment of crushing by stones!!!!!

The red herrings are out the door. A sleazy real estate monger, who was trying to buy the property of the first witch murdered, Helen, and an overly zealous right wing preacher, whose daughter, Sabrina ,(no teenage witch she, she is definitely on the far side of thirty!!!!!!!) is in the coven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like all these episodes, despite the good intentions having gone before, and prior to them all winding up laughing it off over drinks in Lorraine's kitchen or the local pub, the whole thing turns out to be contrived. Sabrina, the not so teenage witch, descended from Sarah Good, who was found to be a schizophrenic, has inherited said illness and is having a psychotic break. She even tries to kill herself, by almost crushing herself with a store bookshelf!!! This causes her conflict between the coven she has embraced, and her father's faith, which she has renounced. She hears voices telling her to off the other witches, right down to that classic phrase, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live!" Girls, I will say one thing. At least the girls in "The Crucible" or even Margaret Hamilton, did not ugly themselves up with body piercings, like these ersatz witches. Personally, I don't think piercings should be allowed in witch covens. I mean, would the Castevets have approved???? No way!!!!!!!!

But this was one of the more delightful episodes seen, with Maura and Jane at their most glamorous and brilliant. Role models, for all of us, darlings, including yours truly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cast a spell right now, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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