Monday, August 22, 2011

Darlings, What Is It With This Guy????????????

Girls, I am telling you already, if he hasn't already, Eric D. Schaeffer (now billing himself as Eric Schaeffer, which is a bit confusing, as there is a straight man with a blog called (what ego!) "I Can't Believe I Am Still Single," and they are not the same. To Eric, of the blog, I can say, having looked it over, I not only can BELIEVE you are still single, I can understand why!!!)

But the former Eric D. Schaeffer is something else again. In collaboration with choreographer Warren Carlyle, this is the first production team since originals Harold Prince and Michael Bennett to get "Follies" RIGHT, and I cannot overstate this enough.

So, of course I wanted to know more about Eric. Hell, someday, I might want to work with him!!!!!! And I know all my girls would want to know about him, because, while I have found out little, it seems to me he is available. I don't get the impression he is straight, and before anyone out there says Harold Prince directed "Follies" and he was, let me add that while Prince put it all together much of the look and tone of "Follies" came from Michael Bennett, who was cutting his teeth in preparation for "A Chorus Line,' and, honey, we know he married Donna (McKechnie), but none of my girls out there would ever have called him straight!!!!!!!!!!

Eric would be quite a catch, girls!!!!!!! But honestly, it is hard to dig up anything about him. I mean, all his artistic accomplishments--from being from Fleetwood, Pennsylvania, originally, to working as a graphics designer in Washington DC in the late 80's, to eventually becoming Artistic Director of the Signature Theatre in Arlilngton, Virginia, as well as Broadway's "Million Dollar Quartet," "Glory Days," and of course now the triumphant "Follies." But what makes this guy tick???? Where did he study/get his theater training???? Inquiring minds want to know, Eric, as your star right now is SO ascendant. And my singles girls want to know what watering hole in NYC they can meet you for a drink. Hell, I might turn up, to discuss future performance plans!!!!!!!

But while I am seeking further info to pass on, girls, catch his work in "Follies." And I may just catch "Million Dollar Quartet," which I had been putting off, but if Eric directed it, I think it bears a look!!!!!!!!!!

And look no further, darlings, at this rising star of the Theater Scene!!!!!

For God's sake, Julie (Taymor); comb your hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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