Monday, August 22, 2011

Girls, Barbra Is Starting To Weigh In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, back when I posted about the, shall we say "questionable" casting of Lauren Ambrose in the forthcoming revival of "Funny Girl," I wondered if the Official Definer of that role, namely BARBRA, would weigh in, and it seems she has.

According to word out there, Barbra, when she heard, had no idea who Lauren Ambrose was. She looked her up on YouTube, just like I did, where she saw her with her band, singing "My Man." From the sounds of things, it sounds as if BARBRA was, like yours truly, not a bit impressed. She commented about Lauren singing it in an up tempo, and it is NOT an up tempo song. Even when BARBRA belted it, there was a raw, emotional edge, that signaled this was not an upbeat song. Bittersweet, maybe, in how it was used to end the film (and which I am sure the Bartlett Sher production will end with.)

I wonder what BARBRA would think about all the changes Sher plans to incorporate into the score. From the sounds of things, it sounds like he is going to jettison a lot of the original score. Up yours, Bart!!!!!!!!!!! "The Music That Makes Me Dance" is definitely out (which makes sense, since it was only used as a substitute for "My Man," anyway, and now that song will be used), and I will bet Eddie and Mrs. Brice's numbers will go, so forget about me being cast as the latter if he still insists on using Lauren Ambrose as Fanny.

But, mark my words, darlings!!!!!! As this show has NEVER been revived on Broadway and has SO MUCH to live up to, if it fails in any degree, you had better believe there will be Theater Queens aplenty who will be out for blood--and it will flow!!!!!!!! But if Mr. Sher is set on a path to his own destruction, what can I do but warn him. If he fails to listen to me, that is his choice!!!!!!!!

You would think he would take some hints from BARBRA!!!!!!! After all, where would he be, if it weren't for her?????? I believe Julie Taymor and Diane Paulus may be making room for Bart right now on the Island OF Failed Directors. Unless he pulls off something of quality, heeding wiser sages, he is headed for more than a tropical island vacation!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, BARBRA, can you get ME cast?????????????????????


  1. I hate to tell you, but once it opened, Barbra was bored stiff with the role, and indulged in grossly unprofessional behaviour. Breaking character, laughing at something a stagehand was doing in the wings, etc. A shame about cutting Music That Makes Me Dance. I'd rather hear that over My Man anyday. As for Mrs. Brice and Eddie's songs....well the less said the better. They're terrible and were only stuck in to be sung in front of the curtain while scene changes were taking place. I hope they don't make this like the movie though, with the movies' songs. I love Cornet Man and Who Are You Now. This show was a vehicle; it is not an inherently great show. It has a very problematic and frankly, dull second act. As biography, it's about as factual as Cinderella. I'm still willing to give Lauren the benefit of the doubt. As we said before, she's still more interesting than Lea! Or Idina, for that matter.

  2. I had read/heard Barbra acted up during the run, but was under the impression that stopped after the famous 1 performance fill in by Miss Lainie Kazan!!!! Just to have seen BARBRA at that time, with that VOICE, would have been worth any acting up.

    I daresay if I had gone then, BARBRA would have behaved, because, being the Raving Queen, I know I can intimidate BARBRA. Back in 1976, when Zero Mostel did the 'Fiddler' revival, I heard he was acting up. The day I went, he was letter perfect. He must have known I was coming!!!!!!

    I love "The Music That Makes Me Dance," but since it was only used because "My Man" was not available then, it will most likely be used now. That film's ending is so iconic the show n ow almost demands it. That, and the tugboat sequence during "Don't Rain On My Parade," are the only two spots in the film that truly transcend the show.

    I love "Coronet Man". Better than the film's add-ons.

    Kay Medford deserved her Oscar nod, but had her role been allowed to be what it was on Broadway, she would have been even better. I LOVE "Who Taught Her Everything?"

    Ah, Idina....I was never impressed with her voice--all technique, no passion. And having already played Lea's mom on "Glee", she is ready to step in as Mrs. Brice!!!!

    As for Lauren...if she plays, I will go! But I hope fate kindly intervenes, and allows someone better suited to be cast!!!!!

  3. Send in your audition reel, you could get the part yet!

  4. Just one more thing--you are right about it not being a "great show;" certainly not in the classic sense of "Gypsy." Though I think that is what the creators were trying for. Instead, they ended up with a vehicle that meteorically launched the career of its lead player.

    But it IS a fun show. Those like me who grew up with the cast recording would stage it in our heads (I know I did) till it was almost like we had seen it. BARBRA and this second point are what keeps the show alive and liked by so many. And also why it is never revived.

    Regarding this last, "Funny Girl" has two dramatic counterparts. "The Miracle Worker" was revived a year or so ago, and while the Misses Pill and Breslin gave it their all, they could not hold a candle to Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke. Nor could Patty top her Helen when she played Annie as an adult.

    Same with "The Bad Seed." Many have asked me why no major revial of that. I can tell you I have seen two New York productions. One was in community theater out on Port Washington, LI; the other was a more professional fly by night SoHo theater company that mixed the genders of the characters. (ie, the one playing Monica was a man who I swear was channeling Harvey Korman as Mother Marcus on "As The Stomach Turns!") Neither could compare to Nancy Kelly, Patty McCormack and Company. Even Joan Croyden as Miss Fern!

  5. Well let's face it; Patty M. WAS scary!
