Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Darlings, What's Next??????

Girls, as if there isn't enough drama already--impending wisdom tooth surgery, dealing with nut cases at work, transitioning my 96 year old father from Florida to Pennsylvania--now, I have to deal with....earthquakes??????

I do NOT want to be Ava Gardner at the tail end of her career. Yesterday, I had just come back from lunch, and was looking at my schedule, to see what I was in for that afternoon. Suddenly, just before 2PM, the ground, or the building, slightly shook, and, with me seated, the chair began moving across the room!!!!! Now, we have had construction going on above us for months, so I thought nothing of it--I chalked it up to that!!!! But when I met up with my coworker, Steve, later, he asked me if I felt the earthquake. That is when I realized!

Frantic with worry, I called Monsieur, who had been trying to reach me, but cell phones were down for a time. We finally connected, and I learned his building had been evacuated, and he had been sent home!!!! Oh, my God!!!!!! I stayed there last night, relaxing, and anticipating whatever aftershocks might occur. What a day!!!!!!!

Actually, this was my second quake. Twenty some years ago, I was living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, getting ready for work, when the ground beneath the building shook slightly. I held onto one of the archway entrances, and clung there for several minutes, thinking this was it. Which it was not!!!!! But it was scary.

My sister, who lived on the West Coast for years, has experienced worst quakes than this. And now her daughter, my niece, who is out there, has had her share. But my cousin Aileen was the worst. Years ago, she was riding over a bridge, when one struck, in the L.A. area. She saw the cement crack in front of her!!!! How scary is that????? And I think she suffered an arm injury from fallen debris!!!!!

So, now we have this to worry about, in addition to everything else!!!! So, shop before you drop, darlings, and see "Follies" ASAP, because, I am telling you, if the quake had struck while I was thus engaged, there was no way I would have left that theater!!!!!

There's got to be a morning after, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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