Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Girls, You Are Not Going To Believe This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we all know, some stars, like yours truly, are ageless!!!!!! But there are certain things, like bungee jumping, I just wouldn't do!!!!!!!!!

Now, I know Cathy Rigby was at one time an Olympic gymnast. But these days, at 59, pushing 60, she is closer to Eleanor Rigby than her former self. So, would you believe that, later this year, and into 2012 (when she WILL turn 60) she is going to do yet another tour of "Peter Pan?????"

First of all, Cathy is not a world beater in the role. Having grown up with Mary Martin on television, and seen Sandy Duncan live back in 1980, I have seen some impressive Peters. Cathy Rigby cannot sing as well as the others; her gymnast ability landed her the role (no pun intended!!!) because she could certainly handle the flying skills. But it takes more than that to deliver an effective Peter Pan!!!!

I swear, at almost 60, she has to be the OLDEST Peter on record. The lighting designer is going to have a field day trying to make Cathy look youthful and sprightly. Maybe they should call in Julie Taymor as show doctor!!!!!!!!

The tour begins in Hershey, PA. I do not know if it will come to New York, but I can tell you I have about as much intention of going to this as I do the Diane Paulus "Porgy And Bess." Why do they keep messing up the classics??????

Reviving "Peter Pan" is not a bad idea; it is a classic of the musical stage!!!!! But can we have some age appropriateness in the role?????????????

How about Ann Hathaway?????????? Now, she would be charming!!!!!!!!!!

Even with fairy dust, no one is going to believe Cathy!!!!!! Off to Neverland, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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