Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Girls, Yet Another Cry For Justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, things are beginning to heat up in the Tyler Clementi case, especially from the prosecution angle. As has been suspected, they are not going to take things lightly. And what with the anniversary of Tyler's death (three weeks from Thursday) fast approaching, it could not come at a more auspicious time.

However, thirteen days before said anniversary, there is going to be a hearing, and an outcome, regarding the defense's desire to dismiss all charges aganinst their client, Dahurn Ravi. Let me say, if this should happen, and Ravi walks, not only is it unfair to Molly Wei, who , as far as I am concerned, has committed double perjury, in order to keep herself more out of the mess than she is already in, but, what with Phoebe Prince's tormentors getting off, it will send a message carte blance, that, whether due to sexual orientation, or a different hair color, anyone can bully/brutalize anyone else, with no regard for the victim tormented. Let us hope this does not come to pass, for if it does, you can bet that will be taken to task here.

But let's get back to the present, and Tyler. The prosecution derides Ravi's alleged apology. According to them, it was written exactly 14 minutes after Tyler had taken the fatal plunge off the GWB, so he was already dead. Not, to be objective here, that Ravi could have known that at the time, BUT he did know by then that he was under threat of university punishment for his privacy invasion alone, and so did everything in his power to, bluntly, cover his ass, preventing him from being charged with anything--or so he thought. Instead, he has had to withdraw from the university, and he has been found out at every turn. His arrogance, or entitlement, or both, are beyond belief, as is his seeming depraved indifference to Tyler's death, or his family's suffering. (And how about your own family, and what you are putting them through???? Huh, Dahrun!!!!! Don't tell me they aren't suffering!!!! I am fairly certain, that, when he came home from Rutgers directly following the incident, there HAD to have been a moment when, even though his folk obligingly defend their progeny, they must have said to him, "What the HELL were you THINKING????" Any parent would.) There was also that comment, paraphrased here, about setting up a computer in the room so that "he (ie; Tyler) can't rape me!" Oh come on, honey; you are not THAT great to look at. What are you afraid of Dahurn, that you might enjoy it???? Tyler had better taste than you in everything else, and I am sure that included men. You were not even within his gaydar, darling, so stop fancying yourself a ladies--or in this case a gay's--man!!!!!! You are not God's gift!!!!!!!
You are the Spawn of Satan!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is also an accusation made by the defense that in keeping the identity of Tyler's "companion" (known only by the initials "M.B" and that he is 25) things are being withheld that could aid them in their case. I seriously doubt it; I think they are grasping at straws. This poor guy is unwittingly at the center of a socio-political hurricane; no wonder he wants to remain anonymous. He is one step from being a public figure, and he was placed in that role once Tyler leaped from the bridge. I don't deny his story would be interesting to hear--is he married??? in another relationship???--but it really has no bearing on what happened. What was suppose to happen was an intimate encounter. Maybe once only. Maybe the future and a relationship. But that evaporated when Tyler died. Although "M.B." cannot be held to blame for anything, he knows he can never escape the fact that "I was the one who was with Tyler Clementi." A pretty large burden to carry.

In the end, it comes down to what Ravi did. And everything shows calculated cruelty and furtive attempts to obstruct and cover up his deeds, once he found things had gone too far. I would like to hear Wei testify; to see what light she could bring to bear on him. After all, they knew each other since grade school. Was there a history of them bullying???? Did she see or know about Ravi abusing others in their hometown environment???????

These questions may or may not get answered. Right now, we have to see whether the defense's or prosecution's wishes are honored on September 9, and what goes from there! But for those who take what I am saying seriously, heed me--the judge who rules on all this is in a precedent setting position no matter what. Let us pray he sets the right precedent.

Otherwise all Ravi and his ilk will learn is that it is OK to victimize!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, it's NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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