Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Girls, There Are Two Things To Ask About Jonah Hill!!!!!!!!!!!

The first is--why does he have a career??????

The second, darlings, is--how long will it last???????

Why is easy. Hill simply follows a long standing tradition, going back as far as I can tell to Fatty Arbuckle, and probably even further, of, shall we say, avuncular entertainers!!!!! Most are usually comedic, while some, such as Orson Welles, start out seriously, then end up as comic parodies of themselves!!!!!!!

As to the second--it is anyone's guess. Welles and Jackie Gleason aside, these folk don't live long. Hill's youth and already formidable girth speak for that. And while Belushi and Chris Farley were helped by being known substance abusers, the weight, (especially in Farley's case, who went from cherubic to outright grotesque) did not help!!!!!) And don't forget Divine! And Mama Cass!!!!!

Darlings, maybe Hill should get in those roles--Falstaff, Edna Turnblad--while he is still able!!!!! He definitely needs Mr. Pinky's House of Fashion, complete with those pink Sno-Balls, which I am sure he has and would nosh on!!!!!!

Now, loves, I am certainly not attacking fat entertainers, or Jonah Hill. He has a modicum of talent; I just haven't seen it used in an interesting direction. Like, say, the great Victor Buono, who played Edwin Flagg in "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?", Bette Davis' father (!!!!) in "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte," and, of course, King Tut on "Batman!" I mean, anyone who could upstage Madge Blake as Aunt Harriet!!!!!

But Buono also died around 40, much too soon!!!! So, I am not too sure about Jonah Hill. He needs to show us what he's got, girls, before what he has does him in!!!!!

Pink Sno-Balls never hurt anyone!!!! But in moderation, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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