Monday, August 29, 2011

Oh, My God, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! The Post-Apocalyptic Destruction!!!!!!

Girls, on Saturday night New York was dead; I mean, socially, if you can believe it. The wind howled, the rain beat against the buildings, but there were some, like yours truly, who said it was more than wind and rain. Some of us believe it was...Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And on Sunday, when Monsieur and I ventured out, it was like the Reconstruction from "Gone With The Wind." People pumping water out of buildings along the West Side highway; trees of tremendous size down on Bleecker Street, one of the major thoroughfares in the Village; businesses still was the aftermath of disaster, girls!!!! But not for some; the Gay gym boys were still running along the esplanade, shirtless and in their tight shorts, hoping to be ogled by all...some things never change!!!!!!

In keeping with the somber spirit of the day, we came back home, and after artistic preparation (where I prepped Monsieur for the artistic experience he was about to have) we watched the original, 1954, "Gojira."

Of course, darlings, so many of us have grown up with this as the 1956 "Godzilla, King Of The Monsters," featuring Raymond Burr. But, honey, I am telling you, once you have seen "Gojira," there is no going back.

Foe, this is an artistically stunning film of human tragedy. The stunning Momoko Kiucchi, as Emiko, the daughter of Dr. Yamane (played by the great Takashi Shimura), whose terror upon seeing Gojira initially is so real, you will scream; the wonderful Akihiko Hirata as Dr. Serizawa, (who, with that eye patch, I had the hots for)loving but tragic, making the supreme sacrifice out of love for Emiko and Mankind. A true humanitarian!!!!! The art direction, and lighting, the shots of the children singing plaintively amidst destruction, the panoramic evacuation and hospital scenes...this film clutches at the throat and heart, and it is no surprise that I cry real tears at the end. You will, too. Monsieur had an artistic experience he will never forget--as will you, if you have never seen the film this way--and I was reminded of the masterpiece it is.

So, like I said, after Gojira came to visit us, we watched him. Picture For A Sunday Afternoon, darlings!!!!!!!

Here is to a fabulous Monday, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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