Saturday, August 27, 2011

Isn't It Roamntic???? In The Hurricaaaaaaaaaaane!!!!!!!!! Oooh!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, here we are, safely ensconced, though who knows for how long??? But I am here to tell you that, even if you do not hear from me for awhile--if we lose power--the Raving Queen is not planning to go under just yet!!!!!

Earlier, Monsieur and I were actually walking down along the Village waterway, and boy was it choppy!!!! And--can you believe it???--Starbucks was closed!!!! But not quite as bad as when Meryl Strep stood by the sea in the opening of "The French Lieutenant's Woman." Though, from what I hear, it could be a lot worse!!!! I don't think we will be asked to evacuate, but, I am telling you, if the power goes, and there is no way to make coffee tomorrow, you are going to see a Bitch!!!!!!!!! Maybe some fine wine can relax me, though I do not do alcohol in the morning. I have not lost it yet, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nevertheless, I do not want any of my girls to do anything foolish. Get a portable CD and review BARBRA's career!!!!! Read Jane Austen (or whomever; in my case, the new Ann Patchett!!!) by candlelight!!!! Watch "Gojira" while your DVD still works. But do not venture out of doors. I mean, if Broadway is dark tonight; darlings, what is the point!!!!!!

This Irene is cramping all sorts of lifestyles!!!! Just make sure it doesn't trample lives!!!!!!!!

Think of Maureen McGovern, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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