Friday, August 26, 2011

What On Earth Are We In For, Darlings?????????????

What, indeed????? First, an earthquake early in the week, and now the potential onslaught of Hurricane Irene. I liked Irene better when it was just a 1973 Broadway musical revival, starring Debbie Reynolds, though I did not see it till a year later, when Jane Powell took over. She was fabulous, and so was the Gower Champion choreography.

But this Irene, what a bitch!!!!!!! When I was little we used to have this heating pad for dishes, which had a picture of an old fashioned boat at sea, being bombarded from on high by two Gods--Boreas, of the Wind, on the left, and Neptune, of the Sea, on the right!!!!!!! I can still see that pad; it is etched in my mind with mealtime.

Well. Boreas, Irene or whomever is going to be working overtime tomorrow, and I mean, what is the point? And just for the record, no, I have not called forth my Lasher!!!!!! I am not out to destroy anyone--at least, for the moment!!!!!--so there is no witchery afoot here! If there were, I would move to stop this, because I just heard the MTA in New York is going to shut down subway service at noon. Forget it, if you have tickets to "Follies" tomorrow; you will have to stage your own production in the living room. Which can be lots of fun; hell, I have done it!!!!!!!! But can you imagine the show(s) NOT going on??????? This is serious, and while Monsieur and I will be huddled, who knows if the roof won't blow off and send us all to Oz??? Though, I am telling you, right now, I am staying in Munchkinland, because that is the prettiest!!!!!!!!!

There is nothing pretty about what may happen tomorrow, which can be one of two scenarios. Either it could be tremendously bad, OR it will be a big fizzle, with all this hysteria for nothing!!!!!!! Let us hope it is the latter!!!!!!!!!!

So, hole up tomorrow, girls, with a flashlight, books, DVDs (while electric power lasts), and some good Scotch or wine!!!!!!!!!!

How much more can we stand, darlings??????? Tell Irene to BLOW--outta here!!!!!!!!!!!

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