Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, Monday!!! Can't Trust That Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, at least this Monday kicks off a new month, namely August!!!! But, honey, let me tell you, when that alarm goes off on this week day, I feel just like the moon in George Melies' film--SPLATT!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention, I have to visit the dentist this week, which is always a thrill!!!!! And after a nioe, relaxing day at home with Monsieur, and an 'SVU' Marathon, featuring all kinds of guest stars!!!!!!! My favorite was the one about the guy with the shoe fetish, and the mother who abuses him, for it!!!! She was just jealous, because his shoe collection was better than hers. And what a piece of work she turned out to be--murdering the object of one of her son's fetishes, blaming it on him, and preparing to let him take the rap!!!! But she got hers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, girls, after nine readings (which I finished this weekend) "GWTW" still packs a wallop!!!! I cried real tears, at the end, as always, but, thankfully, now, there was someone to comfort me!!!!!! Now I am lightening up, with "Vieux Carre Voodoo," set in New Orleans, and featuring former gay go--go boy turned detective, Scott Bradley!!!!! It is a hoot!!!!!!

So , here we go, headlong into another month, and week!!!!! May you all "Blast Off!" instead of "Splatt!!!!!!"

Time to get going, girls!!!!!!!!!

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